[EuroPython] Urm?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Mar 9 05:24:21 EST 2004

Chris Withers <lists at simplistix.co.uk> writes:

> This isn't meant to add petrol to any website flames, but since I want
> to know and can't find out I thought I'd ask here:
> 1. When can I book to go to the conference? 

We're currently aiming for next monday, i.e. the 15th.

> When does the early-bird period start and end?

Well, it starts when it starts (see above) and is currently finishing
on the first of May.  There's no hurry.

> How much is it 

Early bird reg is 160 euro.

> and where do I sign up?

On the website, when we've finished it :-)

> 2. Where can I stay? What are the nearest places to the location of
>    the conference at varying costs? Where's the nearest airport?

Wait a day or two, and all this will be explained in beautiful clarity
on the website.  It's also been discussed on this list...

> 2. How do I find out about giving a presentation at Europython? Are
>    there discounted attendance rates for speakers? Is there any
>    travel/accomodation subsidy for speakers?


> I would have thought these are the more common questions people come
> to the website with, so I'm suprised there isn't more made of the
> space on the front page, rather than a honking great gif, which is
> cute but doesn't help me at all...


Please note that what's currently at www.europython.org is going to be
entirely replaced, pretty soon (we hope).


  I don't have any special knowledge of all this. In fact, I made all
  the above up, in the hope that it corresponds to reality.
                                            -- Mark Carroll, ucam.chat

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