[EuroPython] Apress books at EuroPython Conference?

stephanie at svl.co.uk stephanie at svl.co.uk
Thu May 13 11:39:52 EDT 2004

13th May 2004

Dear EuroPython Conference organisers,

Hello, I am really interested in finding out about sponsorship of your
event. I realise that it is already past the May 1st deadline, but would you
consider allowing me to pay to insert some postcards with information about
our books into your delegate bags, or to be circulated to delegates another
way?  Books that I think will interest your visitors include: Practical
Python by Magnus Lie Hetland (for beginners), Dive into Python by Mark
Pilgrim (intermediate), Foundations of Python Network Planning by John
Goerzen (intermediate to advanced), The Definitive Guide to Plone by Andy
McKay (beginner to advanced) and Zope 3: Building Dynamic Websites by Michel
Pelletier (intermediate to advanced).  

All these books are published by Apress, who are fast becoming recognized in
Open Source book publishing.  You can read about Apress here@ www.apress.com

I can send you further details about these books if you think there is an
opportunity for us to work together.  I would also like to donate some
copies of our published Python book, Practical Python, to you for give away
at the event.  How many delegates are you expecting?  Would you like 10
copies to give away?

I look forward to hearing from you,
With best wishes,

Stephanie Parker
Marketing and Publicity Coordinator for Apress.	
Apress is distributed by Springer.
Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
Sweetapple House / Catteshall Road / Godalming / GU7  3DJ / UK
+44 (0) 1483 414113    +44 (0) 1483 415151   stephanie at svl.co.uk   
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