AW: ShoolBell for EPC scheduling? Re: [EuroPython] The layout of EPC
Andrew Smart
Andrew.Smart at
Mon Oct 11 09:44:16 CEST 2004
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europython-bounces at wrote:
> Betreff: ShoolBell for EPC scheduling? Re: [EuroPython] The layout of
> Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
>> then maybe there is a need for more advanced workflows than simply
>> accept / reject as for instance the ability to reorganize talk
>> durations, create new tracks, move talks between tracks, assign
>> talks to new track chairs, delegate the responsibility of accepting
>> talks when track chairs are not responsive enough, etc. If these
>> tasks need to be solved on IRC, then you might as well do the entire
>> talk acceptance process on IRC.
> Perhaps something like School Tools "SchoolBell" would be more useful?
> (See ) As far as I see it, it
> is scheduling features, not workflow features that we really need for
> the track chairs.
> Besides, it would be nice to use one of Mark Shuttleworth's
> initiatives after that nice talk of his... :) Also, the main school
> tool developers were actively taking part of EPC, and I imagine they
> might help out with this.
>> I am not sure that the default "publish-in-place" accept/reject
>> workflow of CMF/Plone is sufficient for the task that is needed here.
> It seems to me that Plone is designed to publish texts on web sites.
> It's never been intended as a tool for handling business transactions
> such as attendee registrations or scheduling tasks such as planning
> conference talks.
> Its workflow system is aimed at the specific purpose of enabling the
> publication of data on a web site, not to enable business transactions
> or conference planning. I guess this is true for all web site content
> management systems.
> I'm sure Plone can be used to publish such data on a web site, but I
> seriously doubt that it's the most suitable tool for talk scheduling
> or visitor registration applications.
> /Magnus
I'm currently in contact with the SchoolTool project, and I fairly
accurate about the functionality provided. AFAIK the project
currently *doesn't* provide the functionality the EPC would need.
Timetabling and the corresponding workflows are on the road, but
the EPC needs the stuff fairly fast, so I won't advise it.
But I'll contact Mark and Tom about talking on the next EPC.
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