[EuroPython] Launch of website

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at chalmers.se
Tue Apr 5 14:26:11 CEST 2005

Sjors Robroek wrote:

>>I think europython used to have a piece of secure webspace (https) on
>>https://secure.zope.nl/europy -- please let me know if this is/will be
>>required for the new site (and where it should map to)
>>Also, please check if the instance's root is still accessible (I know
>>very little about your current setup, else I'd check myself)
>>        Ivo
>The Europython root for the live instance has been made available at
>https://secure.zope.nl/europython . Could you please check if everything
>at this URL is working correctly?


there seems to be a problem in the rewrite form:



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