[EuroPython] Launch of website

Sjors Robroek sjors at amaze.nl
Tue Apr 5 15:06:06 CEST 2005

> there seems to be a problem in the rewrite form:
> see:
> https://secure.zope.nl/europython/?theme=default
> /JM

The rewrite rule wasn't correctly configured to use a VHM, but that's
been fixed now. The only problem that's still there is the fact that all
hrefs link to /, while they should link to /europython/. I don't know
wether this is a CPS problem or the fact that your content is all links
to an absolute root, so i think you should take a look at this.

Sjors Robroek

Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 12
1017 RC Amsterdam
Tel:    +31-20-4688336
Fax:    +31-20-4688337
Web:    http://www.amaze.nl
Email:  sjors at amaze.nl

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