[EuroPython] Website to review

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Sun Feb 6 12:22:52 CET 2005


Just a note for section managers (Jacob, Laura, and I) about the workflow:

* copying documents from the workspaces to the sections won't work, i.e. 
documents will be present in the section folders, but they won't have 
followed any transition and be in the 'published' state. It is a 
half-implemented feature - maybe it should be removed. So the correct 
way of publishing documents is to go to the workspaces and click on the 
'submit' action. Users that are not section managers cannot do copy and 
paste so the problem occurs only if you are section manager.

  this is filed as bug #429 ( 
http://bugs.nuxeo.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=429 )

* if as a section manager you just do an 'edit' on a published document 
you will create a newer version of the document but the document in the 
workspace will still be in the older version, and other members will not 
have access to the latest version. So basically don't modify a document 
directly with 'edit' unless you are prepared to have it replaced by an 
older version later on by accident.

  this is filed as bug #443 ( 
http://bugs.nuxeo.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=443 )

basically section managers have too high privileges and some features 
should be disabled.

To sum it up:
create documents in the workspaces (in the "EP group") and publish them 
into the sections with 'submit'. Everything else is likely to leave the 
site in an relatively unmanageable state.


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