[EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Jacob Hallén
jacob at strakt.com
Tue Jun 7 19:43:30 CEST 2005
On onsdag 01 juni 2005 09:51, Aaron Bingham wrote:
> Jacob Hallén <jacob at strakt.com> writes:
> > Dear Europython attendee,
> >
> > Next week, we will be making the schedule for the Europython conference.
> > We have a record 111 talks that need sceduling. To help us avoid
> > overcrowding rooms and to minimise the number of collisions beween talks
> > that you are interested in, we want your input on what talks would like
> > to hear.
> Hi Jacob,
> I was printing out the talks to go through them, but
> http://www.python-in-business.org/ep2005/alisttrack.chtml?track=770
> fails with an IndexError while trying to print the long description
> for the "Method panel - you don't get paid to have fun!" talk, so I
> don't know if I might be missing some talks in that track.
> Thanks,
This should be fixed now. There was a missing check
to make sure we had data for the long description. Thanks for noticing this.
Jacob Hallén
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