June 2005 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jun 1 07:14:27 CEST 2005
Ending: Thu Jun 30 22:22:02 CEST 2005
Messages: 185
- [EuroPython] Unable to attend
Ian Bicking
- [EuroPython] Information on your homepage
David Pettersson
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Søren Roug
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Maik Röder
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Aaron Bingham
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
"J. David Ibáñez"
- [EuroPython] CMFEditions sprint: 30.6.2005 - 2.7.2005
Gregoire Weber
- [EuroPython] Are there Swiss organizers at Goeteburg?
Gregoire Weber
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
stelios xanthakis
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Edward K. Ream
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Johan Ramm-Ericson
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Henrik Sandklef
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Batista, Facundo
- [EuroPython] RV: EuroPython activities
Batista, Facundo
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Mikel Larreategi
- [EuroPython] May I get a confirmation for my booking at SGS Veckobostäder? (Invoice number 207)
Gregoire Weber
- [EuroPython] Europython Registration - no confirmation
Salim Fadhley
- [EuroPython] Plone Selenium Sprint
maik.roeder at ingeniweb.com
- [EuroPython] ...
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Andre Deparade
- [EuroPython] Please confirm registration
Salim Fadhley
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 cancellation
Georg Gogo. BERNHARD
- [EuroPython] Meeting today, Tuesday 7 June 18.00
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Change - Look who's comming
Christer Frinäs
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Ken Rimey
- [EuroPython] Which accomodation did I book?
Reinoud van Leeuwen
- [EuroPython] My talk
Kirby Urner
- [EuroPython] Please, somebody confirm my registration! HELP REQUIRED
Salim Fadhley
- [EuroPython] Result of people's registrations of talk interests
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Please, somebody confirm my registration! HELP REQUIRED
Aiste Kesminaite
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] My talk
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Which accomodation did I book?
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] CMFEditions sprint: 30.6.2005 - 2.7.2005
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] SDJournal magazine - recommended sites
Ewa Lipko
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Marco Seiriö
- [EuroPython] Scheduling meeting and scheduling input
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] Scheduling meeting and scheduling input
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] Jobs in Belgium
Pamela Bell
- [EuroPython] Scheduling meeting and scheduling input
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests
Tobias Rundström
- [EuroPython] Scheduling meeting and scheduling input
Magnus Lycka
- [EuroPython] Tracks & Talks
tommy.edvardsen at ibas.no
- [EuroPython] Scheduling meeting and scheduling input
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] scheduling
Ken Rimey
- [EuroPython] scheduling
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Post-EuroPython 2005 PyPy Sprint 1st - 7th July 2005
Armin Rigo
- [EuroPython] Is this something we should pursue? (Re: SDJournal magazine - recommended sites)
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Last minute Sprinting details (coffee, etc)
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Last minute Sprinting details (coffee, etc)
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] try sending me some mail now
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Last minute Sprinting details (coffee, etc)
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Meeting Tuesday 14 June
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] Maps to events, accomodation
Mikael Jansson (mailing lists)
- [EuroPython] Urner: update re talk and query
Kirby Urner
- [EuroPython] (no subject)
Mikel Larreategi
- [EuroPython] Europython accomodation
Mikel Larreategi
- [EuroPython] Meeting Tuesday 14 June
Magnus Lycka
- [EuroPython] Meeting Tuesday 14 June
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] Setting up talk
André Roberge
- [EuroPython] Open Office document
André Roberge
- [EuroPython] posted schedule somewhat broken
Simon Dahlbacka
- [EuroPython] Guest at Europython dinner
SO1 Info/CIO Wg Cdr PW Edwards
- [EuroPython] Talks
Tobias Rundström
- [EuroPython] Talks
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Stephan Deibel
- [EuroPython] EPC meeting Tuesday 21 June 18.00 on #europython
Beatrice Fontaine
- [EuroPython] Q: Are we having a BBQ on Sunday, June 26?
Paul Everitt
- [EuroPython] Handout at reg desk (Re: Sponsorship / brochure for bags?)
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Accomodation
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] Registration
Mika Myller
- [EuroPython] Registration
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] [Sprints] WiFi equipment
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] registration not working
kit blake
- [EuroPython] Accomodation
Vanessa Enrie
- [EuroPython] Accomodation
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] My name
Steven Pemberton
- [EuroPython] room equipment
Volker Gietz
- [EuroPython] question about your room booking
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Registration
Vanessa Enrie
- [EuroPython] question about your room booking
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] EuroPython special acc. booking
Osma Suominen
- [EuroPython] Registration
Jacob Hallén
Vanessa Enrie
- [EuroPython] [Heads Up] about Network
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Stephan Deibel
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Clarification ([Heads Up] about Network)
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Stephan Deibel
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] EuroPython special acc. booking
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Registration
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] question about your room booking
Nate Aune
- [EuroPython] Updated travel directions.
Mikael Jansson (mailing lists)
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 - last call
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Stephan Deibel
- [EuroPython] EuroPython special acc. booking
Osma Suominen
- [EuroPython] [Heads Up] about Network
Godefroid Chapelle
- [EuroPython] [Heads Up] about Network
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Registration and Accommodation confirmation request
Chris Miles
- [EuroPython] Registration and Accommodation confirmation request
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] regsitration payment
Vanessa Enrie
- [EuroPython] unable to attend
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Registration and Accommodation confirmation request
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] regsitration payment
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] unable to attend -- ooops
Laura Creighton
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] room booking
Benedikt Hegner
- [EuroPython] regsitration payment
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Programme
Stuart Murdock
- [EuroPython] room booking
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] EuroPython visitor questions
Rob Collins
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Stephan Deibel
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] EuroPython visitor questions
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] it's to hot in germany
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] it's to hot in germany
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] EuroPython visitor questions
Mikael Jansson
- [EuroPython] BBQ on Sunday evening
Paul Everitt
- [EuroPython] BBQ on Sunday evening
Gintautas Miliauskas
- [EuroPython] BBQ on Sunday evening
Paul Everitt
- [EuroPython] Nobody can make any more changes to their hotel bookings at SGS through me.
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Errors and missing (or hard to find) information on the website
Stefane Fermigier
- [EuroPython] Errors and missing (or hard to find) information on the website
Paul Everitt
- [EuroPython] directions to the sprinting area.
Jean-Marc Orliaguet
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Stephan Deibel
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Gintautas Miliauskas
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Stephan Deibel
- [EuroPython] directions to the sprinting area.
Jean-Marc Orliaguet
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Ken Rimey
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Ken Rimey
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Martijn Faassen
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Jacob Hallén
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra
- [EuroPython] Space for presentation
Giovani Spagnolo
- [EuroPython] Space for presentation
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] EuroPython special acc. booking
Osma Suominen
- [EuroPython] EuroPython special acc. booking
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] Printing the programme
Andreas Jung
- [EuroPython] Conference dinner
David Johansson
- [EuroPython] Conference dinner
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Printing the programme
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] You have successfully added a new email address
- [EuroPython] You have successfully added a new email address
- [EuroPython] Menu for the Banquet
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Reminder about BBQ on Sunday evening
Aiste Kesminaite
- [EuroPython] My talk (GUI programming in Python using Gtk+)
Johan Dahlin
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship / brochure for bags?
Stephan Deibel
- [EuroPython] Menu for the Banquet
Facundo Batista
- [EuroPython] Menu for the Banquet
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Menu for the Banquet
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 speaker information
M.-A. Lemburg
- [EuroPython] Cancellation
mathias.foehr at actuarcalc.lu
- [EuroPython] Cancellation
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Facundo Batista and Sasha Vincic, please call me
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Facundo Batista and Sasha Vincic, please call me
Sasha Vincic
- [EuroPython] Facundo Batista and Sasha Vincic, please call me
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] You've received a greeting from a family member!
- [EuroPython] Facundo Batista and Sasha Vincic, please call me
Facundo Batista
- [EuroPython] please no fish!
Astrid Hellwig
- [EuroPython] Lloyds Notice update (Action Required)
Lloyds TSB Online
- [EuroPython] You have successfully added a new email address
- [EuroPython] Menu for the Banquet
Jochen Knuth
- [EuroPython] Menu for the Banquet
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] ????????????
- [EuroPython] Are you ready to get it?
Domenic Mann
- [EuroPython] Need to contact user of guest3178@nomad
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [EuroPython] problems updating materials
Manuel Zini
- [EuroPython] lightning talks
Michael Hudson
- [EuroPython] Lighting talks
Vincenzo Di Somma
- [EuroPython] downloading the presentations..(poor default name)
Simon Dahlbacka
- [EuroPython] Lighting talks
Jacob Hallen
- [EuroPython] Europython 2005 conference slides
Michel Debar
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 22:22:02 CEST 2005
Archived on: Thu Jun 30 22:22:07 CEST 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).