[EuroPython] regsitration payment

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Tue Jun 21 17:52:06 CEST 2005

In a message of Tue, 21 Jun 2005 17:28:44 +0200, Vanessa Enrie writes:
>Laura Creighton a écrit :
>>In a message of Tue, 21 Jun 2005 16:26:13 +0200, Vanessa Enrie writes:
>>>I sent you a email yesterday and didn't receive any answer. Could you 
>>>please tell me how I can do to resolve this problem :
>>>We made a registration for 4 speakers but we had a problem with the 
>>>credit card payment.
>>>It worked only for one of them.
>>>Could you please tell me how I can do to pay for the others with the 
>>>same VISA Card.
>>>The invocie and payment number are :
>>>261 / 002618 (paid)
>>>265 / 002659
>>>266 / 002667
>>>267 / 002675
>>>Thank you to answer me as soon as possible as we want to pay them today
>>>Vanessa Enrie
>>>Nuxeo France
>>>EuroPython mailing list
>>>EuroPython at python.org
>>What happens when you go to 
>>click on
>>Pay Multiple Invoices
>>and then enter
>>one per line
>>and then click on 'submit'?
>>What exactly is 'going wrong'?
>The payment is declined, it's writting :
>Declined. Sorry this transaction has been declined by your card issuer. 
>No further information was passed to WorldPay as part of your 
>confidentiality agreement with your card issuer. You may wish to try 
>another card.
>I don't understand because it works the first time I used it for invoice 
>number 261 (payment number 002618). I paid the fist one alone because I 
>didn't know I had to pay all invoices in one time.
>I think the problem is that I already use the card for one payment.
>Thank you to answer me quickly.
>Vanessa Enrie

You need to phone the bank or whoever issued the credit card.
They are refusing to accept the payment.  Find out from them why.
It could be that you are over your credit limit.  It could also be
that they have a limit to how much you can pay at one time, and
so paying separately will work.  But both of these are guesses on
my part.  But the problem is not with our software, or with Worldpay,
but with your credit card issuer.  You need to discuss this with them.


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