AW: [EuroPython] Talks about Scrum by people from Agile alliance -which track / who would be interested

Andrew Smart Andrew.Smart at
Tue Mar 8 08:12:14 CET 2005

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europython-bounces at wrote:
> -which track / who would be interested
> Hi ya all and greetings from Amsterdam,
> I'm just participating in scrum-training here in Amsterdam, and
> happened to mention our instructor Joseph Pelrine about the
> conference - and whether he or anyone else would be interested to do
> talk there. 
> We got into discussion about how people in Pyrhon world already are
> into the agile methods like XP and understand the values of being
> flexible and getting to the point, and eventually agreed that there
> really could be interest on both of the sides ( people who do scrum
> training and us pythoneers ) to have talks about this methodology on
> Europython. 
> For people doing business with teaching and consultation the
> opportunity is naturally to get their message to new audience and get
> new potential clients with a gig like that, for us it could be a
> valuable lesson to hear about this methodology from people who have
> run large and small succesfull projects with it and have actually
>  more to say than just what they read from a book.
> What do others think? Is this something that would fit the scope of
> Europython and what track would be the best to have this kind of
> talks? What if they get so interested that they would like to run a
> half a day / day track of agile methodologies?
> Any thoughts?

Hi Heimo,

I would also be interested into either listing as well as giving 
talks about methodologies, especially agile ones. I'm currently
deep into this area of thinking, and it connects to my other
"real world" activities (systemical coaching and consulting
for IT personell) as well as the talk I did at the first 
EPC (does the Python way of programming influence the way the 
programmer approaches general problem solving).

Kind Regards,
Andrew Smart

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