[EuroPython] Python Framework track (has our talk been accepted?)

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Fri May 6 14:16:19 CEST 2005

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> I'd be willing to help out with track chairing for the
> Framework track, if there'd be two or three others joining in -
> with a team of three or four for the track, the job could be
> leveraged to still allow attending other talks during the
> conference.

I'm willing to join in if there is indeed a team, though I'm wary of 
taking on too much responsibility. I've track chaired 3 times and I 
would like some time off. In addition I've also submitted two talks, so 
if those happen I'll be busy enough.

If it's a bit of preparatory work in talk selection and communication 
with the people who submitted a talk that would be better than having to 
be present at the track itself, introducing talks and making sure things 
end on time, etc.



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