[EuroPython] [Fwd: Re: Registration payment details]
Michael Hudson
mwh at python.net
Fri May 26 10:51:49 CEST 2006
Jacob Hallén <jacob at strakt.com> writes:
> torsdag 25 maj 2006 11:50 skrev Dario Lopez-Kästen:
>> Sorry, sent this accidentlally to Chris only, but it was ment for the list.
>> /dario
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] Registration payment details
>> Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 11:49:38 +0200
>> From: Dario Lopez-Kästen <dario at ita.chalmers.se>
>> To: Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk>
>> References: <200605241905.43605.paul at boddie.org.uk>
>> <44755F65.7030209 at simplistix.co.uk>
>> <3B8EDD98-AA10-4357-BB7C-C8D821CAF6E9 at cern.ch>
>> <44757006.3070407 at simplistix.co.uk>
>> How did people do this last year?
>> Why are we having such problems suddenly?
> Because people did not want to use my working solution from last year. This
> solution was built with the mistakes from previous years in mind and it
> needed some debugging along the way.
Sad to say, I don't know how much better your system, without you,
would have been than what we've had this year.
> Now, all the mistakes have to be repeated.
> I forsee problems generating and distributing invoices, since this
> is not part of the registration procedure in Indico.
> If there is no tested solution for generating badges, this may be a
> headache.
Indico supports a csv export of all the registrant info, so building
our own solutions for this sort of thing should not be hard. Has to
be done, of course. Is your invoice and badge solution sufficiently
independent that we could reuse it?
> I haven't seen any listings of presentations yet and I don't know to what
> extent Indico supports planning and publication of a schedule and the
> creation of a printable programme.
It has some support.
> I don't know what the plans are for allowing speakers to upload
> their presentations and the attendees to download them.
If necessary, I can do this in the same way it got done for the 2004
> I also don't know what the support for on-site registration is.
A question for the CERN locals, I guess.
> There is also a problem with the information available. There are no
> clear instructions in the registration procedure for what you do
> once you have said that you want to stay at the CERN Hostel (turns
> out you have to contact them). Also, deadline for early-bird
> registration is either tomorrow or was 2 days ago. And we don't even
> have the courtesy of mailing last years attendees before the end of
> the early-bird deadline.
Fortunately, none of these things is quite true.
> Unfortunately I don't have the time to help, because it is plain to see that
> help is needed.
What would help is if you could answer Dario's emails about the
EuroPython Society bank account.
<Erwin> I recompiled XFree 4.2 with gcc 3.2-beta-from-cvs with -O42
and -march-pentium4-800Mhz and I am sure that the MOUSE
CURSOR is moving 5 % FASTER!
-- from Twisted.Quotes
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