[EuroPython] projector system

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 00:38:26 CEST 2007

OK, solved it! **

I should be able to use any 1024x768 model.

I could bring my Optoma EP729, which is pretty small, one more
thing to lose, break or get stolen, but there's an upside to having
such toyz as well (like showing movies).

Also, like a typical American, I have fantasies of my normally
110 volt appliances getting that surge of 220 and exploding to
smithereens (small particles), even though they say right on the
label they can handle it (along with 50 hz, largely unknown in
my neck of the woods ##).

I'll stay tuned and try to get of sense of whether I should juggle
bringing the Optoma.  Toshiba (Windows XP) stays home in the
closet, with Ubuntu on Dell taking the long rides on the airplane.


** http://controlroom.blogspot.com/2007/06/personal-workspace.html

## http://www.bpa.gov/corporate/

On 6/29/07, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Same question from me, a guy in monitor hell as I try to whip
> my Inspiron's xorg.conf into shape around not-free nVidia drivers.
> Last night, it was working.  Turn everything off, go to bed, wake
> up, boot -- and it's not working again.  Amazing, this "computer
> science" no?  Anyway, it looks really cool when it works.
> Kirby
> On 6/29/07, Michael Graz <mg.graz at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hello, just wanted to ask about the presentation facilities at the
> > conference.  I am assuming there will be a projector system that can be
> > attached to a laptop computer?  If so is the resolution of the projector
> > known - typically 1024x768 or 800x600?
> > Thanks,
> > -mg
> >
> >
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