[EuroPython] EuroPython 2008: A Call for Theme and Talk Suggestions
Paul Boddie
paul at boddie.org.uk
Fri Feb 15 00:30:50 CET 2008
As preparations for EuroPython 2008 gather momentum, we [*] would like to find
out what kinds of talks and themes would be most interesting to the
EuroPython community: that is, the people planning to attend the conference,
along with those people following the conference from further afield. In
other words: what do you think are the most exciting areas of Python activity
right now, and what aspects of them would you most like to hear about at
EuroPython 2008?
Last year, the conference focused on agile development, but also promoted many
of the familiar categories: business, education, games, language and
libraries, science, social skills and Web development. Of course, topics such
as Web development remain as popular as ever, but we also saw strong
contributions in other areas such as robotics and database systems.
So, we would like your opinions on the hot topics you would like to see
covered at EuroPython - perhaps a topic you might even consider delivering a
talk about yourself. We have set up a page on the EuroPython site to collect
ideas, and the community is very welcome to add their thoughts and
suggestions to it. Discussion on this mailing list is, of course, also
See here for the page of talk and theme suggestions:
And see here for some help on contributing to the site:
Of course, EuroPython welcomes talks about anything Python-related - they
don't have to fit the eventual themes of the conference exactly. Unlike some
conferences, EuroPython isn't about fitting talks into some rigid structure
and filtering out things which don't belong.
Instead, we welcome new ideas, even on the very nature of the conference
programme itself. For example, would tutorials - a regular feature of other
Python conferences - be interesting to EuroPython attendees? Would you like
to see influential developers discuss issues in panel sessions? Are there any
other activities which could be brought into the EuroPython schedule from
other conferences?
Let the discussion begin!
[*] As EuroPython is a community conference, there isn't really an "us"
(meaning the organisers) and a "them" (meaning everyone else). Everyone is
welcome to help shape the conference into something meaningful to them. See
the EuroPython site at europython.org for more information!
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