[EuroPython] London - Birmingham

Zeth theology at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 11:14:59 CEST 2009

2009/6/15 Arnoldas Grigutis <arnoldas.grigutis at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I am arriving in London Stansted (I don't know what Stansted means) on June
> 27th, 12:40 PM.
> How should I get to Birmingham? I haven't been to UK before.
> Should I take a train? Are there any schedules for trains, maybe online
> booking I can do before I leave?
> How should I get to a train/metro/whatever station from the airport?

I do this journey often, and I personally take the National Express
because it is cheaper than the Train. However it does take a long

It is best to book in advance via the website http://www.nationalexpress.com

You need to enter into the boxes:
Stansted Airport

This is a large coach that goes from the Airport. It is much cheaper
to book a return than to book a single. If you are young you can buy a
discount card but which may work out cheaper if you ever come back to
the UK.

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