June 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jun 2 12:13:52 CEST 2009
Ending: Tue Jun 30 23:36:01 CEST 2009
Messages: 440
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Manuel Weidmann (Pixelbar)
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Tom Adams
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Tom Adams
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship of tutorial
Ali Afshar
- [EuroPython] Car Parking
Ali Afshar
- [EuroPython] Kamaelia Open Space?
Ali Afshar
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Yoann Aubineau
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
- [EuroPython] Questions about the BoF Point
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
- [EuroPython] slides
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
- [EuroPython] wireless
Geoff Bache
- [EuroPython] Timetable + talk abstracts page for iPhone (offline as well)
Berco Beute
- [EuroPython] Can I book only one day of tutorials?
Stephen Birch
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Bernhard Bockelbrink
- [EuroPython] Talks and presentations from previous conferences
Paul Boddie
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Carl Friedrich Bolz
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Carl Friedrich Bolz
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Carl Friedrich Bolz
- [EuroPython] Tutorial Registration
Jonathan Bowlas
- [EuroPython] Car Parking
Jonathan Bowlas
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
Jonathan Bowlas
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Jonathan Bowlas
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
Jonathan Bowlas
- [EuroPython] Birmingham Airport saturday meeting point?
Bojan Bozic
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Brian Brazil
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Brian Brazil
- [EuroPython] Transportation, Dave Matthews Band in Wolverhampton
Morten Brekkevold
- [EuroPython] Transportation, Dave Matthews Band in Wolverhampton
Morten Brekkevold
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Christopher Brewster
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] sharing hotel room
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] Sharing rooms on Premier Inn
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] wireless
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Tobias Brox
- [EuroPython] Keynote recordings
Jamie Bullock
- [EuroPython] tutorial check-in
Fiona Burrows
- [EuroPython] Which tutorials we signed up for
Fiona Burrows
- [EuroPython] Which tutorials we signed up for
Fiona Burrows
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Fiona Burrows
- [EuroPython] EuroPython registration
Jean-Luc Carre
- [EuroPython] Changing pre-booked tutorials
Petra Chong
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
Petra Chong
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
Petra Chong
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
Petra Chong
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
Charlie Clark
- [EuroPython] slides
Charlie Clark
- [EuroPython] OT Re: PyObjC bindings for Webkit
Charlie Clark
- [EuroPython] wireless
Charlie Clark
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Charlie Clark
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Charlie Clark
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Charlie Clark
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Charlie Clark
- [EuroPython] Pyjamas soft on windows
John Cobo
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Tim Couper
- [EuroPython] Attn: EuroPython Session Chair Volunteers
Tim Couper
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Tim Couper
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Tim Couper
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Tim Couper
- [EuroPython] Session chairs
Tim Couper
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] slides
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] slides
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] slides
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
Laura Creighton
- [EuroPython] Tango on Tuesday In Birmingham
Andrew Dalke
- [EuroPython] reservation.append(0, day)
Andrew Dalke
- [EuroPython] reservation.append(0, day)
Andrew Dalke
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Weblog posted re EuroPython
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] slides
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Test room for speakers?
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Test room for speakers?
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Videos of talks
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Computer Simulations
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] Computer Simulations
Bruce Eckel
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
Stephen Emslie
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Pontus Enmark
- [EuroPython] tutorials & laptop
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Hernan M Foffani
- [EuroPython] Do we have any big screens not being used.
Michael Foord
- [EuroPython] I can't attend the conference - is it possible to recordings of selected talks
Michael Foord
- [EuroPython] wireless
Michael Foord
- [EuroPython] wireless
Michael Foord
- [EuroPython] Car Parking
Vincent Fretin
- [EuroPython] Payment issue...
Gabriele Fucci
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
Marius Gedminas
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
Marius Gedminas
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Arnoldas Grigutis
- [EuroPython] wireless
Arnoldas Grigutis
- [EuroPython] Pyjamas soft on windows
Arnoldas Grigutis
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Kristoffer Grönlund
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
- [EuroPython] tutorial check-in
Carlo Hamalainen
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Carlo Hamalainen
- [EuroPython] Computer Simulations
Carlo Hamalainen
- [EuroPython] Plone stand volunteers
Matt Hamilton
- [EuroPython] Saturday night
Rune Hansen
- [EuroPython] Fwd: [Europython-improve] Audio Tech Stuff - Get your room today!
Jonathan Hartley
- [EuroPython] tutorial check-in
Jonathan Hartley
- [EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 videos?
Jonathan Hartley
- [EuroPython] slides
Jonathan Hartley
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
Jonathan Hartley
- [EuroPython] Changing pre-booked tutorials
Jonathan Hartley
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Jonathan Hartley
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
Jan Ulrich Hasecke
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
Jan Ulrich Hasecke
- [EuroPython] Tango on Tuesday In Birmingham
Jan Ulrich Hasecke
- [EuroPython] Quick EuroPython Viral Site
Stephen Hawkes
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Tony Heskett
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Tony Heskett
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Steve Holden
- [EuroPython] slides
Steve Holden
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
Steve Holden
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
Steve Holden
- [EuroPython] reservation.append(0, day)
Steve Holden
- [EuroPython] The PSF and EuroPython
Steve Holden
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
Steve Holden
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Tony Ibbs
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Wiktor Idzikowski
- [EuroPython] Kamaelia Open Space?
David Jagoe
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
Laurence Rowe · Jarn
- [EuroPython] Anyone bringing a guitar?
Alan Kennedy
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Łukasz Langa
- [EuroPython] power sockets: enough available?
Łukasz Langa
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners^H^H^H^H^H^H^H skaters
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] tutorials & laptop
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] Searching a Sleeping place betwen 27.06 and 04.07
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] power sockets: enough available?
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] Birmingham Airport saturday meeting point?
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] wireless
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] wireless
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] walking directions from etap to tutorials (music centre)
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] walking directions from etap to tutorials (music centre)
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Gregor Lingl
- [EuroPython] Birmingham Airport saturday meeting point?
Gregor Lingl
- [EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!
Orestis Markou
- [EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!
Orestis Markou
- [EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!
Orestis Markou
- [EuroPython] C5 power cords with a British plug?
Orestis Markou
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Massa, Harald Armin
- [EuroPython] tutorials & laptop
Massa, Harald Armin
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Harald Armin Massa
- [EuroPython] Car Parking
Dougal Matthews
- [EuroPython] Get in early to chair the sessions that interest you!
Martin Meredith
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Martin Meredith
- [EuroPython] Do we have any big screens not being used.
Martin Meredith
- [EuroPython] Do we have any big screens not being used.
Martin Meredith
- [EuroPython] Volunteers Meeting?
Martin Meredith
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Martin Meredith
- [EuroPython] Session Chair - Tuesday - 10:30
Martin Meredith
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Martin Meredith
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
Bhima A van der Molen
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] Fwd: [Europython-improve] Audio Tech Stuff - Get your room today!
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 videos?
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] Car Parking
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] PGP/GPG Keysigning and CA Cert Assurance
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] C5 power cords with a British plug?
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] power sockets: enough available?
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Ciarán Mooney
- [EuroPython] Corporate rate for 2 delegates
Stuffer Oskar
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Tutorials Advanced Check-in
Stuffer Oskar
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
Duncan Parkes
- [EuroPython] Saturday night
Duncan Parkes
- [EuroPython] Some company in London on Friday evening?
Tommi Penttinen
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Tommi Penttinen
- [EuroPython] Searching a Sleeping place betwen 27.06 and 04.07
Ronny Pfannschmidt
- [EuroPython] Searching a Sleeping place betwen 27.06 and 04.07
Ronny Pfannschmidt
- [EuroPython] sharing hotel room
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Corporate rate for 2 delegates
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Giving lightning talks
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Etap Hotel
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 - Bookings left ?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Sponsorship of tutorial
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 - Partners' Programme
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 : Twitter
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Fwd: [Europython-improve] Audio Tech Stuff - Get your room today!
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] cheque payment
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] EuroPython registration
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Questions about the BoF Point
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Do we have any big screens not being used.
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] sharing hotel room
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Can I book only one day of tutorials?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] After the payment?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Car Parking
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] slides
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] slides
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Tutorial Registration
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] sharing hotel room
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] An accommodation related question
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] slides
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Session chairs
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Volunteers Meeting?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] 1 day conference place
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Sunday Tutorials venues
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Searching a Sleeping place betwen 27.06 and 04.07
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Searching a Sleeping place betwen 27.06 and 04.07
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] CSBO Centre Added to the wiki (For sunday tutorials)
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Birmingham Airport saturday meeting point?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Laura is delayed
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] wireless
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] reservation.append(0, day)
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Twin Rooms at the Premier Inn
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Test room for speakers?
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] walking directions from etap to tutorials (music centre)
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Videos of talks
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Videos of talks
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Keynote recordings
John Pinner
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Nicholas Piper
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Nicholas Piper
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Piper, Nick
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
Nick Piper
- [EuroPython] cheque payment
Antoine Pitrou
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Antoine Pitrou
- [EuroPython] After the payment?
Antoine Pitrou
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Antoine Pitrou
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Antoine Pitrou
- [EuroPython] Talks and presentations from previous conferences
Michael Pittaro
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Alexey Popravka
- [EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 - Bookings left ?
Neil Pritchard
- [EuroPython] C5 power cords with a British plug?
Jyrki Pulliainen
- [EuroPython] location of Etap Hotel
Tomasz Puton
- [EuroPython] Laura is delayed
Anders Qvist
- [EuroPython] An accommodation related question
David Radkowski
- [EuroPython] sharing hotel room
Reinout van Rees
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Reinout van Rees
- [EuroPython] Talks and presentations from previous conferences
Reinout van Rees
- [EuroPython] power sockets: enough available?
Reinout van Rees
- [EuroPython] Keynote recordings
Reinout van Rees
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham (by car)
Francisco de Borja Lopez Rio
- [EuroPython] slides
Mikeal Rogers
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Mikeal Rogers
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Mikeal Rogers
- [EuroPython] Room sharing at Etap 27th-1st
Sorin Sbarnea
- [EuroPython] Changing pre-booked tutorials
Sorin Sbârnea
- [EuroPython] saturday restaurant rezervation
Sorin Sbârnea
- [EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 videos?
Byron Schlemmer
- [EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 videos?
Byron Schlemmer
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Birmingham Airport saturday meeting point?
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Birmingham Airport saturday meeting point?
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Birmingham Airport saturday meeting point?
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Tags to use
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Please upload your slides to slideshare.com
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Please upload your slides to slideshare.com
Christian Scholz
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
Stefan Schwarzer
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
Stefan Schwarzer
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Sunday Tutorials venues
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Sunday Tutorials venues
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Kamaelia Tutorial Materials
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Videos of talks
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Videos of talks
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Videos of talks
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Kamaelia Open Space?
Michael Sparks
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Kevin Stebbing
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Kevin Stebbing
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Christopher Swift
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Christopher Swift
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Christopher Swift
- [EuroPython] Saturday evening?
Christopher Swift
- [EuroPython] First aid?
Christopher Swift
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
Richard Taylor
- [EuroPython] Get in early to chair the sessions that interest you!
Richard Taylor
- [EuroPython] Get in early to chair the sessions that interest you!
Richard Taylor
- [EuroPython] slides
Christian Theune
- [EuroPython] slides
Christian Theune
- [EuroPython] slides
Christian Theune
- [EuroPython] slides
Christian Theune
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
Christian Theune
- [EuroPython] Runners tomorrow at 7:00
Christian Theune
- [EuroPython] Tutorial Registration
Bleier Thomas
- [EuroPython] Do we have any big screens not being used.
Nicholas Tollervey
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
- [EuroPython] 1 day conference place
Jan Troler
- [EuroPython] power sockets: enough available?
Marijn Vriens
- [EuroPython] Plone stand volunteers
Richard Wall
- [EuroPython] Provision for cyclists?
Stephen Welch
- [EuroPython] First aid?
Keith White
- [EuroPython] Provision for cyclists?
Werner Wiethege
- [EuroPython] Volunteer needed for collecting EuroPython talk outlines and slides
Krzysztof Wilczynski
- [EuroPython] Talks and presentations from previous conferences
Krzysztof Wilczynski
- [EuroPython] Looking for interesting content
Krzysztof Wilczynski
- [EuroPython] slides
Krzysztof Wilczynski
- [EuroPython] slides
Krzysztof Wilczynski
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
Alex Willmer
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
Alex Willmer
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Alex Willmer
- [EuroPython] reservation.append(0, day)
Alex Willmer
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Alex Willmer
- [EuroPython] Provision for cyclists?
Alex Willmer
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
John Wilson
- [EuroPython] I can't attend the conference - is it possible to recordings of selected talks
Jon Wilson
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
Russel Winder
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
Russel Winder
- [EuroPython] slides
Russel Winder
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Russel Winder
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
Russel Winder
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
Chris Withers
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
Chris Withers
- [EuroPython] Sunday Tutorials venues
Chris Withers
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
Chris Withers
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
Chris Withers
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
Chris Withers
- [EuroPython] Anyone bringing a guitar?
Neil Woolford
- [EuroPython] Do we have any big screens not being used.
Darren Worrall
- [EuroPython] Car Parking
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] C5 power cords with a British plug?
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] power sockets: enough available?
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] wireless
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] wireless
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] Laura is delayed
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] wireless
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] wireless
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] wireless
Quentin Wright
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
- [EuroPython] EuroPython - Help Needed
- [EuroPython] Fwd: [Europython-improve] Audio Tech Stuff - Get your room today!
- [EuroPython] Barcamp?
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
- [EuroPython] Do we have any big screens not being used.
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
- [EuroPython] London - Birmingham
- [EuroPython] I can't attend the conference - is it possible to recordings of selected talks
- [EuroPython] Which tutorials we signed up for
- [EuroPython] sharing hotel room
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
- [EuroPython] Travel recommendation
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
- [EuroPython] slides
- [EuroPython] slides
- [EuroPython] Food in Birmingham
- [EuroPython] Transportation, Dave Matthews Band in Wolverhampton
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
- [EuroPython] EuroPython runners
- [EuroPython] C5 power cords with a British plug?
- [EuroPython] Some company in London on Friday evening?
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions
- [EuroPython] Birmingham Airport saturday meeting point?
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions - Update
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Socials wiki page
- [EuroPython] Saturday night
- [EuroPython] More Premier Inn questions - Update
- [EuroPython] location of Etap Hotel
- [EuroPython] EuroPython Socials wiki page
- [EuroPython] wireless
- [EuroPython] Laura is delayed
- [EuroPython] wireless
- [EuroPython] First aid?
- [EuroPython] Saturday 27th June - Early Arriver Social - Zagora Restaurant
- [EuroPython] Saturday 27th June - Early Arriver Social - Zagora Restaurant
- [EuroPython] Vegan restaurants, cafes
- [EuroPython] Test room for speakers?
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
- [EuroPython] Choosing tutorials
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn
- [EuroPython] Real Ale Pubs
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
- [EuroPython] Etap Hotel
Ales Zoulek
- [EuroPython] [europython-contact] Etap Hotel
Ales Zoulek
- [EuroPython] Registration refund
Ales Zoulek
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Ales Zoulek
- [EuroPython] So, which Pub are you at?
Ales Zoulek
- [EuroPython] Salsa (was: Tango on Tuesday In Birmingham)
richard barran
- [EuroPython] Computer Simulations
- [EuroPython] Computer Simulations
- [EuroPython] Sunday Tutorials venues
jonathan hartley
- [EuroPython] Premier Inn Hotel on Booking Form
jonathan hartley
- [EuroPython] Car Parking
Clive.Darke at qa.com
Last message date:
Tue Jun 30 23:36:01 CEST 2009
Archived on: Tue Jun 30 23:36:35 CEST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).