[EuroPython] Saturday evening?

Christopher Swift christopher.swift at linux.com
Fri Jun 26 08:26:10 CEST 2009

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John Pinner wrote:
> Hi,
> 2009/6/25 Christian Scholz <cs at comlounge.net>
>> John Pinner wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> 2009/6/25 Christian Scholz <cs at comlounge.net <mailto:cs at comlounge.net>>
>>>     Hi!
>>>     I am arriving on saturday at 1700 at Birmingham Airport and I am
>>>     wondering if there is some meetup planned for early arrivers.
>>> I'm sorry, we've been a bit too busy for that!
>>> We may see if the Zagora has room for us
>>> http://europython.eu/about/eatingout/ and see maps.google.co.uk
>>> <http://maps.google.co.uk>
>> Well, it might just be good to know where eventually meet some
>> pythonistas ;-) Will there be people doing preps at the venue?

I'll be arriving in Birmingham at about 19:30, perhaps a bit too late to
socialise but if anyone has anything planned, do let me know! I'll have
to hook up first with my room-mate & see what he is up to so it perhaps
won't be 100% chance of me being able to attend anything in case
something comes up.

> Some people may be doing work on the network, but the main stuff like bag
> stuffing will be on Monday afternoon.

Can someone please explain to me what "bag stuffing" is?

> I might
>> even help :-)

I'd like to help too given the chance!
- --
Christopher Swift

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