[EuroPython] Barcamp?

Christian Scholz cs at comlounge.net
Sat Jun 13 14:09:39 CEST 2009


Bruce Eckel wrote:
> Just to clarify, I offered to explain Open Spaces conferences, which is
> the kind of conference I've been doing. My understanding is that Bar
> Camps use Open Spaces, but if that isn't correct you should let me know.

I guess that's right, basically it's about a planning session in the
morning where everybody is introducing the session they want to do,
asking for interest in it and then choosing a timeslot for the room(s).

I guess the difference might be that barcamps are more standalone events
with usually free entry utilizing the open space concept. I like to
advertise it more as barcamp like portion of the conference though
because I also would like to encourage people to visit more barcamps in
their respective countries. They are usually of course of much broader
topics, meaning web in general, but if developers are there, then mostly
ruby or PHP people (at least in Germany). It would be great to also have
more python people there so it would be great to also mention this in
the introduction (moreover you get to know quite a lot of interesting
people by visiting barcamps ;-) ).

I am around from the 27th or 28th (need to check) onwards so we can
maybe talk about this then and compare concepts :-)

And great to have a room for this of course! :-)



> -- Bruce Eckel
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 5:45 PM, John Pinner <funthyme at gmail.com
> <mailto:funthyme at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello Christian,
>     2009/6/12 Christian Scholz <cs at comlounge.net <mailto:cs at comlounge.net>>:
>     > Hi there!
>     >
>     > As you might remember I sort of organized a Barcamp like part of the
>     > conference last year, mainly explaining what it is and doing session
>     > planning each morning. The only thing I didn't was actually attending
>     > one of the barcamp sessions due to video stuff to do ;-)
>     >
>     > I'd very much like to do that again this year except with attending
>     > sessions :-)
>     >
>     > So if there is a spare room we can have and some billboard or simply
>     > wall where we can put up a session plan then I am happy to run it this
>     > year again.
>     If you look at the timetable you will see that there is room for this,
>     marked a Open Space.
>     Also Bruce Eckel has volunteered to run a panel to explain what a
>     barcamp is and how to run one. This could start the barcamp sessions
>     off.
>     All this would be very helpful because we're having a one day PyCon UK
>     barcamp on 5th September.
>     > For those who don't know what a barcamp is: It's basically the same as
>     > open spaces, so there is an empty room and there are timeslots and
>     each
>     > morning people can signup to fill one of these slots with a talk,
>     > discussion round or whatever they want to do there.
>     >
>     > So if that would be possible again this year, I am happy to help!
>     Thank you again :-)
>     best wishes,
>     John
>     --

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