[EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!

Orestis Markou orestis at orestis.gr
Thu Jun 25 17:21:36 CEST 2009

Hi all fellow EuroPythoneers,

I've finally managed to shake free from work obligations, and I have  
3-4 days to finalise my slides for the PyObjC talk (Wednesday 15.00,  
Lecture Room 1).

If you are planning to attend my talk, I'd be grateful if you could  
give some input about what you'd be interested to hear. If the list is  
not the place to have such a discussion, you can leave a comment at my  
blog [1].

[1]: http://orestis.gr/blog/2009/06/01/come-see-my-pyobjc-introduction-europython/

Thank you in advance,

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