[EuroPython] Registering as speaker / EU VAT ID

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Mar 22 01:38:56 CET 2011

David Mugnai wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-03-21 at 18:58 +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Hello,
> Hi
>> I have two questions regarding the registration process:
>> 1. Speaker signup
>> I'd like to submit a talk or two and would like to register
>> as speaker, but the registration form only has "private",
>> "student" and "company".
>> Is the speaker registration not
>> available yet, or should I just sign up as "company" and
>> then set some flag later on ?
> The speaker registration is opened since February 17th  and will last
> until April 6th.
> There is no a "private", "student" or "company" account, you can became
> a speaker just submitting a talk following this link:
> http://ep2011.europython.eu/conference/paper-submission/
> The distinctions between "private", "student" or "company" come into
> play when you are buying a ticket

Understood, but since speakers have to pay a different conference
fee, I was wondering how to register for the conference. Should I
first register and then submit a talk, or first submit a talk
and then register ?

Note that for previous EPCs, there was always an option to
register as "speaker". I'm missing that option or some guidance
as to how to run through the process in a way that doesn't
cause problems later on.

>> 2. Charging VAT to companies
>> On the company registration form you say "Company fares allow
>> for full tax deduction. 20% VAT will always be included in the
>> invoices because of Italian tax regulations, and will need to
>> be fully paid (even by companies in the EU area); in most
>> countries, VAT can be recovered when filing tax return forms."
>> The latter is true, but is a lot of paper work and usually
>> only feasible if you are talking about EUR 500+ in VAT from a
>> single EU country.
> [snip on the vies system]
> The Italian law DPR 633/1972 of 1st Jan 2011, according to our business
> consultant, provides a fixed VAT rate of 20% for any sales, regarding
> cultural events, until 3000 euro.
> In short I don't think that we, Python Italia, can reverse charge the
> VAT to your company, but tomorrow I will write to our business
> consultant for clarification.


Note that reverse charging the VAT doesn't have anything
to do with how much VAT you (would) have to charge in Italy.
It puts the obligation to pay VAT on the buying
company, instead of on Python Italia. As a result, the
taxation happens in the EU country of residence of the
company, rather than in Italy, making things a lot easier
for both sides.

For this to work, Python Italy and the company must both
have a VAT ID and the IDs of both must be listed on the

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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