[EuroPython] the snake is stronger with the elephant - call for papers for European PostgreSQL conference in Prague

Lynn Root erin.lynn.root at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 17:10:00 CEST 2012


On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Hynek Schlawack <hs at ox.cx> wrote:

> Unfortunately, I can’t find any mention of a Code of Conduct. I don’t
> really feel like attending a CoC-less conference shortly after signing
> http://letsgetlouder.com/ . Are there any plans to establish one?
> -h
> Massa, Harald Armin schrieb:
> > Fellow Pythonistas!
> >
> > if you also enjoy the elephant (PorstgreSQL), maybe I can interest you
> > in submitting talks to:
> >
> >
> > PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2012 will be held on October 23-26 in
> > Prague, The Czech Republic, at the Corinthia hotel. It will cover
> > topics for PostgreSQL users, developers and contributors, as well as
> > decision and policy makers. For more information about the conference,
> > please see the website at http://2012.pgconf.eu/.
> >
> > We are now accepting proposals for talks. Please note that we are
> > looking for talks in English and Czech.
> >
> > Each session will last 45 minutes, and may be on any topic related to
> > PostgreSQL. Suggested topic areas include:
> >
> > * Developing applications for PostgreSQL
> > * Administering large scale PostgreSQL installations
> > * Case studies and/or success stories of PostgreSQL deployments
> > * PostgreSQL tools and utilities
> > * PostgreSQL hacking
> > * Community & user groups
> > * Tuning the server
> > * Migrating from other systems
> > * Scaling/replication
> > * Benchmarking & hardware
> > * PostgreSQL related products
> >
> > Of course, we're happy to receive proposals for talks on other
> > PostgreSQL related topics as well.
> >
> > We also have a limited number of longer, 90-minute, slots available.
> > Please indicate clearly in your submission if you wish to make a
> > 90-minute talk.
> >
> > Finally, there will be a session of five minute lightning talks. A
> > separate call for proposals will be made for them further on.
> >
> > The submission deadline is August 1st, 2012. Selected speakers will be
> > notified before August 15th, 2012.
> >
> > Please submit your proposals by going to
> > http://2012.pgconf.eu/callforpapers and following the instructions.
> >
> > If your proposal is in a non-english language, please include a
> > single-sentence description of the presentation in English as well in
> > the field for submission notes.
> >
> > The proposals will be considered by committee who will produce a
> > schedule to be published nearer the conference date.
> >
> > All selected speakers will get free entry to the conference (excluding
> > training sessions). We do not in general cover travel and
> > accommodations for speakers, but may be able to do so in limited
> > cases. If you require assistance with funding to be able to attend
> > please make a note of this in the submission notes field.
> >
> > This call for papers is also available on the web at
> > http://2012.pgconf.eu/callforpapers
> >
> > We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in Prague in October!
> >
> >
> > Best wishes
> >
> > Lightning Talk Man
> > Harald Armin Massa
> >
> > --
> >
> > GHUM GmbH
> > Harald Armin Massa
> > Spielberger Straße 49
> > 70435 Stuttgart
> > 0173/9409607
> >
> > Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 734971
> >
> >
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> > EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
> > http://ep2011.europython.eu/
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> > EuroPython at python.org
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> EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
> http://ep2011.europython.eu/
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