[EuroPython] conference length

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Thu Apr 24 17:13:24 CEST 2014

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 6:19 AM, Dinu Gherman
<gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de>wrote:

> Martijn Faassen:
> > I'm trying to understand the intent your email. Are you telling some of
> us to just go away and do our own thing? This isn't an us versus them.
> We're not outsiders barging in; we're old friends. I do count as one of the
> people who has helped organize EuroPython in the past, just like you. So
> does Laura.
> I'm not trying to put a dent in this, but I understood Carl in the sense
> of: there might not be any ideal solution to please all. So, instead of
> searching the one ideal solution that (as we know) doesn't exist, one could
> also try out other solutions optimizing a different set of criteria. Which
> would bring us nicely back to the current theme of "diversity", again.
> After all, yes, it's good to discuss people's experience and match it with
> own's own and learn from that. But the purpose of learning something is
> doing (or not doing) something. And some people say that one can learn more
> from making mistakes than from not making them. And no, we don't build
> nuclear power plants. And yes, they haven't been discussed enough before
> they were built... And wow, there could be EuroPython barcamps and unconfs
> and hackathons and events not invented yet, if we can imagine them...

Well put.

Except I am fairly confidant that there is *no* solution that will please
all.  ;)

Carl K
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