[EuroPython] conference length

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Thu Apr 24 14:32:34 CEST 2014

On 04/24/2014 01:19 PM, Dinu Gherman wrote:
> Martijn Faassen:
>> I'm trying to understand the intent your email. Are you telling
>> some of us to just go away and do our own thing? This isn't an us
>> versus them. We're not outsiders barging in; we're old friends. I
>> do count as one of the people who has helped organize EuroPython in
>> the past, just like you. So does Laura.
> I'm not trying to put a dent in this, but I understood Carl in the
> sense of: there might not be any ideal solution to please all.

Of course there won't be, obviously not. But was anyone claiming there 
would be an ideal solution?

I was trying to do some things:

* express my own impressions and preferences and experience as a data point.

* get an idea on the history behind this change and the motivations. I 
learned quite a bit; thanks.

* trying to put the topic on the agenda to explicitly consider. 
Hopefully we can get more data from a representative audience (which I 
also think shouldn't just be the attendees in 2014) to inform this 

I think I've done these things now, and now we'll see what's done with this.



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