[Idle-dev] re: Leaving subprocesses hanging

John Zelle john.zelle at wartburg.edu
Sun Dec 19 21:03:23 CET 2004

I did some more checking on this. My fix _does_ seem to work on IDLE 
1.1. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong before. It may be that I was 
accidently mixing my 2.3 and 2.4 libraries. Or maybe I'm  just suffering 
from too much end-of-term grading :-).


Arthur wrote:

>John writes -
>>This seems to work fine on IDLE 1.03-1.04. I've been working with it for 
>>a couple days and have not noticed any problems. Unfortunately, last 
>>night I tried the same fix on IDLE 1.1, and I ran into some problems. 
>>Has the subprocess code undergone significant revision from 1.04 to 1.1?
>Is there a possibility that the issue is differences in the versions of
>tcl/tk against which it is running, rather than in changes in Idle .
>It is known that threading related code that worked against 8.3 breaks under
>8.4 as tcl seems to have changed its own threading model. There is some
>writing out there by Martin v. Löwis about this change in tcl's model and
>the changes it necessitated in Python's tkinter code. Unfortunately I can't
>seem to trace my steps back to it right now. 
>Is it reasonable to suspect there is relationship here somewhere with
>Not that knowing that gets us anywhere in particular, but it might contain a
>Are you running IDLE 1.03 against the same tcl/tk versions as you are
>running IDLE 1.1?
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