[Idle-dev] I18n of IDLE's interface ?

Todd V Rovito rovitotv at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 13:45:37 CEST 2013

On Apr 17, 2013, at 6:47 AM, Olivier Berger <olivier.berger at telecom-sudparis.eu> wrote:

> Hi.
> I've filed a wishlist at : http://bugs.python.org/issue17760 about the
> potential need for translated UI elements in IDLE. In our case, french
> would be an example language.
> It was suggested to me to forward the request to this list.
> I hope this is not a FAQ (although I'd be surprised to be the first to
> raise this need), as I haven't checked the list archives.
> I'm sure some may object in the line of
> http://bugs.python.org/issue17760#msg187088 but I find it a bit odd to
> force this on users... which are free to set their system's locale to
> english if they *do* want to force Python beginners to learn english.
> FYI, we for example have the oportunity to teach Python to all students
> in some classes in France (CPGE), and although they may have also some
> honest english curriculum too, I'd expect their computers to have some
> french locales, and the discrepency may look a bit surprising to some
> (whether or not these english strings only makes Python look more or
> less "sexy" is to be determined ;-).
> I haven't investigated how IDLE handles UI elements, but could volunteer
> for helping on translations to french of any messages in .po or likes,
> of course.
I think multi language support is a great idea but I have no idea how difficult implementation will be.  It is great that you have volunteered to help because we need all the help we can get.  I am a mentor for Google Summer of Code and perhaps I can add multi-language support as a stretch goal to the project.


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