[Image-SIG] PIL Wishlist
Richard Jones
Thu, 09 Jul 1998 22:57:02 +0000
Hannu Krosing wrote:
> Could we have compressed GIF's as well ?
Some correspondence with /F I had once covered this topic. He
approached Unisys about it. He did not come away with warm fuzzies. In
fact, there were going to be serious problems licensing a _free_ package
like PIL. So it's not in there.
> To circumvent the Unisys LZW patent, we could do as xpdf does:
> unix command compress + some converion code ?
> It would be a little slower, but probably fast enough for most uses.
I've simply stopped using GIF now in favour of PNG. Unfortunately, the
PNG implementation in PIL is bare-bones, and I'd remedy that if I had the
time (which I will do soon, but it's just one thing on a list...). Also,
the PNG support in WWW browsers is a little bare-bones also --- though it
_is_ there.
And with PNG you have license-free compression and a _bundle_ of other
features GIF probably never even thought of :)