[Image-SIG] Re: WAL file format

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 10:15:28 +0200

> here's a 5-minute hack (a single function, not an ImagePlugin) that
> might work.  if it doesn't, feel free to tweak as necessary:

here's a slightly improved (and slighly tested) version, which also
includes a default palette:

import Image

def i32(c, o=0):
    return ord(c[o])+(ord(c[o+1])<<8)+(ord(c[o+2])<<16)+(ord(c[o+3])<<24)

# Load first texture from a WAL file.
# @param filename WAL file name, or an opened file handle.
# @param palette Palette to use for this file.  The palette is a list
#     of 768 colour values, given as [R, G, B, R, G, B, ...].  If
#     omitted, the palette defaults to a standard QUAKE2 palette.
#     You can use the <b>putpalette</b> method to override the
#     palette.
# @return An image instance.

def load(filename, palette=None):

    if hasattr(filename, "read"):
        fp = filename
        import __builtin__
        fp = __builtin__.open(filename, "rb")

    if not palette:
        palette = QUAKE2PALETTE

    # read header fields
    header = fp.read(32+24+32+12)
    size = i32(header, 32), i32(header, 36)
    offset = i32(header, 40)

    # load pixel data

    im = Image.fromstring("P", size, fp.read(size[0] * size[1]))

    im.format = "WAL"

    # strings are null-terminated
    im.info["name"] = header[:32].split("\0", 1)[0]
    next_name = header[56:56+32].split("\0", 1)[0]
    if next_name:
        im.info["next_name"] = next_name

    if palette:

    return im
