[Image-SIG] bug with Image.crop

Adam Fraser adam.n.fraser at gmail.com
Mon Aug 18 23:00:38 CEST 2008

Hello, I've never submitted a bug before, but it seems that Image.crop
doesn't work in some cases where the crop box contains pixels outside the
extents of the image.  By "doesn't work" I mean that strange artifacts occur
in the newly cropped image... sometimes appear to be a repetition of
elements in the original, other times they are ambiguous like short while
lines, or specks.

im.crop(-30,-30,30,30)  doesn't work
im.crop(-30,-30,31,31)  doesn't work
im.crop(-30,-30,32,32)  works
im.crop(-300,-300,30,30)  works

Most crop calls seemed to work and the space outside of the image was filled
with black pixels, but as I've shown, a few examples cause trouble.

The images being opened included jpg, png, and another proprietary format
for which I had written my own parser.

I'm using PIL Image 1.1.6 and python 2.5.1

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