[Inpycon] Development Sprints

Kracekumar Ramaraju me at kracekumar.com
Wed Oct 15 11:04:56 CEST 2014

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Bibhas <me at bibhas.in> wrote:

> On 10/15/2014 01:30 PM, Arvi Krishnaswamy wrote:
>  On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Kushal Das <kushaldas at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Bibhas <me at bibhas.in> wrote:
>> I am the co-ordinator for the development sprint days in PyCon US. The
>> biggest problem for doing similar level of sprints is the lack of
>> upstream project/developers in the conference. We need more developers
>> from upstream projects to participate for this and I do know we have a
>> few of them in the conference.
>  ​ What if we ran a sprint to take up a few projects where some of us are
> close to, or are already local contributors/maintainers and ran a short
> sprint?  Kushal - you have Retask yourself. Anand has web.py or broadgauge
> (pythonexpress). There are some of us involved in Flask related third party
> projects.​
> Yes. To start with, maybe we can actively look for some projects and ask
> the upstream to host a sprint. Maybe newcomers will see that and be
> encouraged to do it next year themselves.
>  This is a good opportunity to get people involved in understanding what
> it really takes to become an upstream contributor by being working side by
> side with us.
>  I like this idea, and would be willing to volunteer to help make it
> happen. My only caveat is that we should separate this from the conference
> days since they are already packed with way too much going on.
> Yeah. We also have the workshop day with almost empty venue. How about we
> move the workshop day to the end of the conference and host it parallel to
> the sprint? I'm not sure how that'd affect the workshops though. I'm also
> not sure about the feedback of the workshop day. I have never seen much
> buzz about it.
Having workshop on first day helps in sorting lots of logistics issues for
next day. We can have sprints on the first day in first floor. There is
space limitation. 50 to 100 people can easily work. I think there are lot
smaller open source projects written by many of us. Not everyone needs to
contribute to Django, Flask, Python 3. I think it is good idea to start and
improve the quality later.

>  -A
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