[Inpycon] Development Sprints

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 17:06:51 CEST 2014


> > I'm against first time or inexperienced *speakers*.
> I would say this is a wrong attitude to have. Experienced speakers don't
> sprout on trees. It takes a long time for someone to get good at it.
> Also, having expert knowledge about a certain topic does not mean the
> person would have presentation skills as well.
> Almost all the Pycons around the world welcome first time speakers,
> including Pycon US.
> There should be an avenue for first timers to present and grow. At some
> point in time, the old will have to make way for the new. :)
New speaker are welcome, but not first time speakers. There are other
venues like user group meetings etc to practice speaking for first timers.

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