[Inpycon] Python Express - Moving Forward
foss.mailinglists at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 04:35:45 CEST 2015
On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 1:28 AM, Kracekumar Ramaraju <me at kracekumar.com> wrote:
> Trying to move the project out of PSSI sends a wrong signal to everyone.
The only signal I see on this list is the reluctance of both parties
to actually "listen" to each other. Everyone has been delicately
hinting at issues while shying away from specifically calling them
out. The net result of such kabuki is what we have now in this
> Then PyCon India/PSSI looks like a test bed for ideas and later channelize.
> Tomorrow set of volunteers can come up and argue same thing for PyCon India.
> Since it is started as PSSI project, it should remain as it is.
^^^ The obvious flaw in that line of logic is that you present PSSI as
a body that is unwilling to experiment and thus will not be the
preferred choice for any future projects. It might be that your
phrasing and intents are at odds (I've often been privately counseled
that on this list what-I-read-is-often-not-what-it-is) but I would
recommend not using that argument as a trump card.
> I was part of various workshops in 2013/2014 and also helped others to do
> the same. I never found any "organizational overhead", nobody interfered in
> any of the way. Others can add their experience.
> It would be nice if everyone can chip in.
sankarshan mukhopadhyay
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