[Inpycon] Meeting minutes from 30th Nov, 2017 PyCon India 2018 Volunteer's meeting
chandan kumar
chandankumar.093047 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 02:17:31 EST 2017
We had scheduled PyCon India 2018 Volunteer's online meeting on 30th
Nov 2017 at 08:00 P.M.(IST).
15 people joined the meeting.
Below are the meeting minutes:
* PyCon India 2018 Conference Dates:
- 29th - 31st Aug 2018
* Devsprint Dates:
- 1st and 2nd September, 2018
* Venue:
We have decided to go with BIEC since it fits our requirement and
also has an option to book bigger expo halls if the number of
participants goes really high.
Also, w.r.t budget, this seems to be fitting our budget compared to
other venues.
We will soon be initiating the payment processing.
* Devsprint/workshop venue still in discussion.
- Christ college is one option.
- It will be organized over the weekend.
* Updates on website design and logo:
- We have contacted professionals to work on website design and logo,
once we will get submission
based on community feedback, we will go for the final decision.
- Action Items: Chandan Kumar to add the proper license for re-use.
* Sponsorship:
- The team is working on creating sponsorship prospectus and draft
version will be shared here.
- Sayan will share the summary of sponsorship thread.
- Here is the sponsorship thread:
feel free to add inputs to it.
* Kids Track:
- Vijay to initiate discussion with volunteers signed up for kids track.
- If anyone interested to join the kid's track volunteer crew, feel
free to register using forms:
* Coordinator* : http://bit.ly/python-kids-coordinator
* Mentor*: http://bit.ly/python-kids-mentors
- More information here:
* Keynotes:
- We received few suggestions on the most popular python libraries in
order to find keynote suggestions. Looking for more suggestions.
- We will be reaching out to more local python user groups through
mailing list for suggestions.
- Keynote thread:
- Google form link:https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/p9qutXyCyTB5GLP4syAwMpwx6XG8ODhJ7RZFeNVFrZgXeXV-O2cfPP1m2Hv2PVjFarY=w1200-h630-p
* Revisiting the Python month plan
- Chandan Kumar to kick off the discussion for the same.
- Suggestions:
* We should focus more on enabling upstream contributions.
* Suggestions are welcome.
* Concerns:
- Need more participation from local user groups in the meeting as
well as in the mailing lists.
- Chandan Kumar to send a mail to all python local user mailing list
regarding communication channels for PyCon India 2018
Thanks for reading, feel to shoot queries/concerns to this thread.
Chandan Kumar
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