[Inpycon] Suggestions for sponsorship draft (was: Draft version of sponsorship prospectus)

vijay kumar vnbang2003 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 13:04:38 EST 2017

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 11:27 PM, Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal at nibrahim.net.in>

> On Tue, Dec 05 2017, vijay kumar wrote:
> > Requesting everyone to share inputs if any.  We want to start work on
> > finalizing sponsorship prospectus from tomorrow evening.
> [...]
> I've just finished looking through and commenting on it. It's very well
> thought out. I've put comments/suggestions in specific places on the doc
> itself but here are some more general comments.
> 1. The whole thing needs a good round of proof reading. There are some
>    grammar mistakes here and there which give the whole document an
>    incomplete feel. I've corrected the ones I've seen while skimming but
>    I'm sure there are more.
> We would love people to help. It took one day of work to write and we have
more to add.

> 2. I'm not sure if the visual elements (formatting, fonts etc.) were
>    lost by Google drive but they look rather messed up. I'm presuming
>    that the origin. If we've got the website design more or less
>    finalised, it would be nice to give this brochure a similar look. I'm
>    guessing that since this is a draft, we're just focussing on the
>    content.
> Yes that the plan but we also need  PPT expert to help us with this.

> 3. The main point is the sponsorship slabs for startups. 50k is the
>    minimum for a startup. Half a lakh is a huge amount of money for a
>    small company. We're effectively excluding them from being part of
>    the conference although they have much to add to the community. Can't
>    we create an exclusive slot for them which has minimal privileges but
>    which don't sell the higher slab sponsors short? Here are some
>    suggestions.
>    - Allow access to the resume database after all the sponsors have
>      their chance.

This is provided.

   - Prepare a long desk in one hall for a few hours where these
>      companies can advertise themselves. (this is high effort).
> Good point . We want to balance out thing for all.
If everything work we might be able to do it but no commitment for now.

>    The idea is to attract small companies to the conference as companies
>    (and not as individual participants).
> Apart from these, it looks solid. Great work.

> --
> Cordially,
> Noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
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