[Inpycon] Venue for PyCon India 2018

Sayan Chowdhury sayan.chowdhury2012 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 00:08:57 EST 2017

On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 12:23 PM, vijay kumar <vnbang2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> During our last F2F meeting , we spoke on different venue available to host
> PyCon India 2018.
> Below is list
> 1) NIHMANS(One of the volunteer infomred it's not available sept month)
> 2) BIEC:
> 3) Palace ground
> 4) MLR white field
> 5) College(Chirst college)

We had a visit to BIEC yesterday as well the Christ University.

* Christ University
  - The capacity of the auditorium in the Christ university is good
but quite spread out which would make it difficult to attend talks in
two tracks.
  - The library space was good enough and this place would be good as
a dev sprints venue and a workshop venue.

  - This place has 4 really big halls from 10.5k-17.5 sq. mtrs. Rate:
230 per day/per sq. mtrs.
  - The place also has a conference center with 8 halls and a Amphi
Theatre. The biggest three halls on paper accommodates 1400, 700, 250
people. But after looking at the space and doing the calculation based
on the event going on yesterday we can accommodate ~2000, 1200,
500-600 peoples.
 - The cost of the full convention centre is ₹462875.
 - The place has a good decent size food court to have the lunches and
also few other shops like Barista, CCD, Dominos incase people want to
buy and have food.
 - The place has a lot of open space to drive other activities.

 - The biggest problem of the place is no external food vendors is
allowed and you have to choose from the given set of food vendors. The
cost of food varies  from 800-1200 per person.

Now, the main point to note is to drive a discussion to move the
conference to end of August. The dates being 29th, 30th, 31th of
August. The reason being since the months of May-August is off season
they give a discount of 25%.  Also, the place is quite in demand so we
need to close off on this place by next week (Tentatively 1st

Sayan Chowdhury <https://sayanchowdhury.dgplug.org/>
Senior Software Engineer, Fedora Engineering - Emerging Platform
GPG Fingerprint : 0F16 E841 E517 225C 7D13  AB3C B023 9931 9CD0 5C8B

Proud to work at The Open Organization!

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