[Inpycon] Reckoning time

Noufal Ibrahim KV noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Tue Feb 20 23:23:39 EST 2018

Hello everyone,
      I think it's past time we made a decision about what to do. There
have been a few emails about a lack of response and other such matters
and things need to be sorted out. 

      Unless there are atleast 2 or 3 people willing to take the lead,
the conference is not going to happen. Volunteers for the ground work
and other such details are present and can be mobilised but there's no
one at the helm. This needs to be fixed. If some of the people here
who've worked on the conference have the time and inclination to get
into the drivers seat, please chime in. Then, we can get the whole show
back on the road.

      We can discuss details about how large the conference should be
and other details on the list but the first thing to decide is who
should take the lead. 

      Please reply to this thread and let's see where we can take this.




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