[Inpycon] PyCon India Workgroups

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 00:56:41 EST 2018

Hello Everyone,

I would like to propose having permanent workgroups for PyCon India just
like europython[1].

Think of something like sponsorships. We usually have people running the
conference looking at sponsorships, which is usually focused on host city.
We hardly keep contact with our past sponsors. Wouldn't it is nice to have
a team of volunteers across all the major cities and coordinating?

The plan is to have one workgroup for each of talk selection, sponsorship,
website etc. and people in the workgroup continue even if the location
changes. This will make sure that the institutional knowledge is preserved
and moving conference to a new place is not that hard and we don't end up
reinventing everything again and again.

Each workgroup will more more or less independently, coordinating with the
conference team. Volunteers can join one or more workgroups of their

We can start with the following workgroups and create more as the need

Progam WG - talk selection/voting, scheduling, session chairs,
sprint/openspace/keynote/lightning talks, Python for young coders

Sponsors WG - sponsor contacts, sponsor logistics, room/booth assignment

Web WG - website management, issue tracking

Marketing Design WG - brochures, banners, flyers, t-shirts, lanyards,
badges, panels, logo

Media WG - video recording, live streaming, uploads to YouTube

Did I miss any other important ones?

Please share you thoughts and feel to suggest if you have any
alternative/better ideas.

[1]: https://www.europython-society.org/workgroups

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