[Inpycon] Keynote Speaker Suggestions

Swati Jaiswal jaiswalswati94 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 02:51:21 EST 2019

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 4:01 PM Haris Ibrahim K. V. <blucalvin at gmail.com>

> I would like to propose Sayan Chowdhury (http://www.sayanchowdhury.com/).

> The main reason I propose him is because of his impact on the up and
> coming generation as well as his commitment in helping them grow. This
> point was driven home when for the DjangoGirls workshop this month,
> one of the mentors was one of his students. To inspire and teach
> someone to grow and get them to a position where they can help others
> is an extremely important and admirable trait.
> I don't know if he fits the bill exactly on all the criteria that
> Anand Pillai mentioned in one of the earlier emails, but from his own
> personal technical open source contributions, to his sincere &
> passionate effort in mentoring people, to his approachable attitude
> all contributes to a keynote worthy character for mainly the younger
> generation of programmers to look up to, communicate with, and learn
> from.
a big echo to this.
I am aware that the suggestions were closed yesterday, but still dropping
to support the suggestion.
Swati Jaiswal <http://swatij.me>
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