[IPython-dev] ipython servers will be down

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Tue Jun 21 13:58:47 EDT 2005

Hi all,

the scipy.org website is undergoing an upgrade, which will result in 
some temporary disruptions.  Below is the email from the scipy admin. 
Once this is completed, we'll have SVN for ipython :)

After letting things settle for a few days, let me know if any problems 



Hi all,

I've been threatening a server migration of SciPy.org for a couple of
weeks now, and tonight's the night on which at least some services will
move (whether they like it or not).

I will be shutting down CVS access in a few minutes, as the cvs2svn
conversion takes a while to process and I will definitely move SciPy to
Subversion tonight.  Throughout the evening, other services will
probably disappear for a bit, hopefully to reappear on the new server
soon after.

I'm certain there will be issues, as we're moving to much newer versions
of all software, removing a bunch of old users, switching from CVS to
Subversion, and a couple dozen other changes that don't come to mind
right now.  Please let me know if you see any such problems in the
coming days.

I'll notify the list when things are back to sanity as best as I can figure.


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