[IPython-dev] function specific tab completion via annotations

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Sat Dec 29 17:34:55 EST 2012

Le 29 déc. 2012 à 22:06, Matthias BUSSONNIER a écrit :

> Le 29 déc. 2012 à 21:14, Brian Granger a écrit :
>> We could do the (?.  What about shift-tab?  Would that be too
>> difficult to manage with all the other meanings of tab?
> No, it should be doable. 
> The only other use is unindent. 
> What about shit tab triggers : 
> 	Unindent (default code mirror option) if multiline selection.
>        ObjectInfoRequest (tooltip) on selection if something selected.
> 	Smart ObjectInfoRequest if nothing selected. (same as actual [bracket]<tab>)

Done, cf 

And made configurable via custom JS. 
Current behavior is unchanged and just need to be switched to false.

> It is not incompatible with (?<tab>
> And as some user requested invoking help without executing cell, we can bind ?<tab> 
> to "execute" just current line to get help on pager. 
> -- 
> Matthias

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