[IPython-dev] Fwd: Interactive Erlang Notebook for IPython

Robbie Lynch robbie.lynch at outlook.com
Wed Apr 16 11:09:44 EDT 2014

Happy Wednesday!

I’m here to announce the first release of IErlang Notebook (Alpha version).

IErlang (an erlang language kernel for IPython) allows users to code,
execute and/or compile erlang expressions and modules in the web browser.
It allows users to render HTML and markdown on the same page as the erlang
code (Using IPython's front-end). The notebook can even interact with the
OS like any terminal and it also gives the ability for users to embed
Youtube videos, Spotify playlists and even other websites.
A mix of erlang and HTML in one webpage.


Any feedback you may have about IErlang will be very helpful, and greatly
Send Feedback Here <http://robbie.lynch@outlook.com>

It is available at <http://github.com/robbielynch/ierlang>
What is it?

IErlang is a language kernel for IPython. This means that IPython uses an
erlang backend which allows users to:

   - Code and execute erlang expressions
   - Create erlang modules
   - Compile erlang modules
   - Execute and spawn module functions
   - Interact with the terminal

What else?

Best of all, these can be achieved within the web browser. On top of all
ofIPython’s front-end features such as:

   - Markdown rendering
   - HTML rendering
   - Prompt counters
   - Save notebooks for later use
   - Use version control on notebooks
   - Share notebooks with anyone using IPython’s


You can view a sample IErlang Notebook

It is available at <http://github.com/robbielynch/ierlang>

Best Regards,

Robbie Lynch

robbie.lynch at outlook.com
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