[IPython-dev] Docker containers

Kyle Kelley rgbkrk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 22:16:57 EDT 2014

Hey IPythonistas and Jovyans,

Our original Docker thread got *lots* of input. It's time I write about
where things stand right now, and invite you to take a look at the current
images (*ahem* send pull requests).

Docker Hub currently builds the most recent copy of
github.com/ipython/ipython master on the ipython/ipython image (

When IPython 3 releases, I'd like to make tagged versions of this base
image so that you get a stable image and development images

ipython/ipython:3.0 - stable 3.0 release
ipython/ipython:3.x - current 3.x branch (backported fixes)
ipython/ipython:latest - current master

Basing off this image are three other images:

ipython/scipystack (https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/ipython/scipystack/)
* Based off of the ipython/ipython image
* All of the scipystack (+ a few more opinionated adds)
* Big thank you to Olivier Grisel for a *wonderful* OpenBLAS installation +
numpy + scipy config

ipython/scipyserver (https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/ipython/scipyserver/)
* Based off of scipystack, runs a notebook server

ipython/notebook (https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/ipython/notebook/)
* Based off of ipython/ipython, runs a notebook server

We've seen folks basing images off of ipython/scipystack and I think that's
wonderful. We also have an image in development that sets up the Julia and
R kernels (to be toggled with the kernel switcher), in

If you have feedback, let us know!

Kyle Kelley (@rgbkrk <https://twitter.com/rgbkrk>; http://lambdaops.com)
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