[IPython-dev] [jupyter] Jupyter-Drive (integration with google drive) beta.

Kester Tong kestert at google.com
Fri Feb 6 22:32:21 EST 2015

After rebasing, the mixedcontents branch seems to work.  It seems realistic
to me to have this by 3.0.  There may be some polishing needed, but the
basic functionality is there now.


On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 9:53 PM, Kester Tong <kestert at google.com> wrote:

> Brian,
> These are all really good points you make.  I'm going to see what's
> missing from the current mixed contents branch, so we can figure out if
> it's realistic to release with 3.0 or 3.1.  The only change in IPython
> needed is some kind of special folder icon for the Drive mount point (which
> is /gdrive right now).  But I'll try and figure out if any other changes on
> the IPython side are needed.
> Kester
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 9:38 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> My only concern is that not having the full integration done that folks
>> won't really use this much as they will have to create a separate profile
>> and start a new server. If we can get this into 3.1, that would enable a
>> lot more people to try this. As with all of our MVPs, we want to get as
>> many people using it as possible to get feedback.
>> Think about it this way - we have a hypothesis: "lots of current notebook
>> users would like to be able to store notebook on Google Drive."
>> For us to test that hypothesis, we need as much data as possible (even if
>> it is qualitative feedback). If not many people try it out, we can't make
>> any conclusions about what we have built...
>> Cheers,
>> Brian
>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 12:44 AM, Matthias Bussonnier <
>> bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Quick from the airport.
>>> No and it was not planned, it was "best effort", "would be great to have
>>> synced release". Jupyter drive is not Ipython. Release schedule is
>>> decoupled.
>>> Though release of IPython 3.0 is needed for me to actually release
>>> JDrive because it needs it, I can do whatever with JDrive.
>>> If there are interest in mixed content
>>> And I have time, it might got in before 3.0. But if the use is low I'll
>>> focus on real time API.
>>> Envoyé de mon iPhone
>>> Le 3 févr. 2015 à 19:46, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> Are we still planning on merging the branch that enabled "mixed" content
>>> before 3.0?
>>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 7:56 AM, Matthias BUSSONNIER <
>>> bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> You might all have seen that IPython 3.0 Beta was released not so long
>>>> ago.
>>>> First, thanks for the feedback !
>>>> For those unaware, we are working on integration with google
>>>> drive as an extension.
>>>> Thanks to Google and especially to Kester Tong for helping a lot.
>>>> You can find the package on PyPI :
>>>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jupyterdrive
>>>> And of course on github :
>>>> https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-drive/issues
>>>> You can consider this 0.9 version as a 1.0 Beta,
>>>> there are still a few missing things like duplication of file,
>>>> but the  core functionality will mostly be there.
>>>> For now you also still need a **separate** IPython server to run with
>>>> the google-drive
>>>> profile. Cf readme.md.
>>>> This version **does not** include real-time collaboration. It will need
>>>> some refactor
>>>> that will be done in IPython during the following year. So do expect
>>>> next version
>>>> of jupyterdrive to probably only be compatible with IPython 4.0.
>>>> For those interested there is draft branch on github that start to
>>>> implement a "mixed" content
>>>> manager, that would allow with the same IPython server to access both
>>>> local hard drive content
>>>> and google drive one.
>>>> As usual, back up your data, Jupyter-drive is much less battle tested
>>>> than IPython itself.
>>>> --
>>>> Matthias
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>>> Brian E. Granger
>>> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
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>> --
>> Brian E. Granger
>> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
>> @ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
>> bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com
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