[IPython-dev] Slides on nbviewer!!!
Nicholas Bollweg
nick.bollweg at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 17:26:26 EDT 2015
> I only have a minor request. Is there a way to disable the slide-to-slide
animation, I (and some other colleagues) find it quite distracting?
With the two-dimensional scrolling, I find that helps orient a bit, but
yeah, the animation is pretty "cute".
Short answer: No.
Medium answer: Yes... IF you are hosting your own nbviewer, AND hack the
underlying template slides.reveal.tpl.
Long answer: In addition to transition, reveal has a huge number of
configuration options. I kind of doubt we'll make any UI on nbviewer to
allow one to hack these at runtime, not least because reveal takes over the
location.hash for providing anchors to slides.
We should change the nbconvert template soon to allow a raw metadata
configuration of what you describe. This would still leave the power in the
hands of the content owner, which is probably how it should be. However, we
need to look at some notebook UI/UX options for getting access to all of
the configuration features (might as well), which does present a bit of a
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio at gmail.com>
> That's an amazing work thanks!
> The ability to turn notebooks into presentations and, now, to share those
> slides seamlessly through nbviewer.org is a *big* selling point for the
> ipython/jupiter project.
> I only have a minor request. Is there a way to disable the slide-to-slide
> animation, I (and some other colleagues) find it quite distracting?
> Finally, if I have to dream, having the possibility to dump the slides
> into a powerpoint/libreoffice presentation would really integrate in a
> bigger workflow of creating presentations and reports, not necessary (or
> completely) computationally centered.
> I recently started using IguanaTex[1] and it allows me to copy/paste latex
> equations from the notebook into powerpoint and it is huge time saver for
> me since I write the equations in a notebook while writing the code and
> then I can copy them to powerpoint and have latex-grade output. This same
> approach could allow a simple notebook to powerpoint/libreoffice converter.
> Antonio
> [1] http://www.jonathanleroux.org/software/iguanatex/
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Damián Avila <damianavila at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks to the great work of Nicholas (@bollwyvl) who "resuscitate" (and
>> actually make a better implementation) an old PR I did several months ago
>> in the nbviewer repo, we now have the slides support in nbviewer!!!
>> How to use it? Simple... you use it like nbviewer but you just "say" to
>> the system to render the notebook as an slideshow.
>> For instance, I have a notebook from an old talk here:
>> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/damianavila/hackperiodismo/blob/master/Hackeando_el_periodismo.ipynb
>> But in fact, I made this talk using the slideshow capabilities of the
>> notebook, so instead of converting to slides and upload the resulting html
>> file to the web, I can just press the "present" button at the top bar
>> and voila!! You have a working slideshow in just 1 seconds ;-)
>> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/format/slides/github/damianavila/hackperiodismo/blob/master/Hackeando_el_periodismo.ipynb#/
>> Previously, there was an unofficial implementation of this feature called
>> Slideviewer (based on my old PR) which would be deprecated in favour of
>> this new great machinery inside the official nbviewer site.
>> Thanks again to @bollwyvl who push this forward (and all the IPython
>> team for the discussion of this functionality) and I hope you continue
>> enjoying (and using) the IPython slides.
>> Finally, to answer some of the upcoming questions, you CAN NOT execute
>> code in this "static" slides. If you want to try a "live" implementation of
>> the revealjs-based slides where you can actually *execute* code, you need
>> to check RISE: https://github.com/damianavila/RISE, and use it locally
>> (we can later talk about a *cloud* deployment, but that's another
>> discussion ;-)
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> *Damián*
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