[IPython-dev] ANN: brythonmagic v0.2.1

Kiko kikocorreoso at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 13:53:53 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I would like to announce the release of brythonmagic v0.2.1.

What is brythonmagic?
brythonmagic provides you a cell magic, %%brython, to run brython code and
show the results in a html div tag below the code cell.

So, you can use Python code to play with some cool javascript libraries n
the cool Jupyter notebook without the need to write a wrapper.

To better understand what it does you can have a look to this *old* video:

What is brython?
Brython is a CPython 3 implementetion written in javascript that runs on
the client side of your browser (http://brython.info/)

Release notes:
Fixed some strange errors on brython to make brythonmagic works fine on the
Jupyter notebook.

   - Added some functions to easily load javascript libraries that can be
   used by brython in the notebook:
      - load_brython_stable: will load the latest *brython_dist.js* stable
      release from http://www.brython.info/src/brython_dist.js.
      - load_brython_dev: will load the latest *brython_dist.js*
      development version from github using rawgit.
      - load_js_lib: Allows you to load javascript libs using a string
      indicating the url.
   - Updated the code to make it work with latest jupyter releases.

If you find any issue, please, report it here:

More info:


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