[IronPython] Please vote on bugs!

Sanghyeon Seo sanxiyn at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 04:01:55 CET 2006

2006/12/6, Dino Viehland <dinov at exchange.microsoft.com>:
> For those of you who aren't aware CodePlex recently added a new feature
> where you can vote on the bugs you'd like fixed.  Simply login to CodePlex,
> visit the work item list
> (http://www.codeplex.com/WorkItem/List.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython)
> and click on the vote link next to each bug.

I ran over the entire bug list, and voted for all bugs I care about,
and commented when I thought comments were needed.

In particular, commented on 812, 1347, 1494, 1506, 4538, 4869.

Seo Sanghyeon

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