[IronPython] How do I set assembly information in IronPython?

joeymcjoejoe ckupec at mvlc.org
Sun Jun 15 02:41:20 CEST 2008

Michael Foord-5 wrote:
> What error do you get on the other machine? Does the program work when 
> run from source with IronPython on the other machine?
> Michael Foord

You got me to the answer. The source worked fine on the second machine, so I
read through the Pyc readme again.

_Now_ I know what this line in the Pyc readme means:"The compiled
executables require the presence of IronPython.dll and IronMath.dll in the
current directory." The _executable_ needs them. I thought it was just when
making the executable that they needed to be present. 

So that explains the following:
I was getting the "Error Signature" alert box with the usual "there was some
unpleasantness..." if I ran it straight from the desktop. I popped it into
my IronPython directory on the other machine it worked. Now I know why:
because the DLLs were in there.

Great! Now, back to the housekeeping part of my question. How do I get
Version, Creator, etc. into my app properly? I guess there's some kind of
dynamic heady goodness going on, but "Version" looks a little shaky.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-do-I-set-assembly-information-in-IronPython--tp17828121p17845282.html
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