[IronPython] Hosting: passing arguments to scripts?

Christian Muirhead christian.muirhead at resolversystems.com
Wed Jun 18 17:06:54 CEST 2008

Hey guys -

I'm looking at running Resolver One on IP2B3, and it took a long time to 
  work out how to pass an argument in to a script to run - it seemed 
like I should be able to set the ScriptEngine.Options.Arguments, but 
that resulted in an empty sys.argv. In the end I dug around in the 
source and found the following, which works:

     List argList = new List();
     PythonContext context = 
     context.SystemState.Dict[SymbolTable.StringToId("argv")] = argList;

There are comments on HostingHelper not really being intended for hosts 
- is there a better/less likely to go away method of doing this?


Christian Muirhead
Resolver Systems
christian.muirhead at resolversystems.com
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