[IronPython] Redirecting input/output in IronPython 2.x

JoeSox joesox at gmail.com
Tue May 27 00:45:00 CEST 2008


This way is not playing well with an overriding System.IO.Stream class
I have written. I set SetOutput with this class which has a delegate
listening for the output. I do 'source.Execute(scope);' but it doesn't
seem to be doing the same thing as ExecuteToConsole (flushing). Any
ideas on what the difference is?
In IP1.1 I used to use ExecuteToConsole and the output stream was updated.

Here is some of the basic code I am using to give some better idea on
what I am talking about:
public ScriptEngine engine = ScriptRuntime.Create().GetEngine("py");
public ScriptScope scope;
scope = engine.CreateScope();

//IPEStreamWrapper:Stream, and take delegate IPEngineResponse
ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(command,
object o = source.Execute(scope);

IPEStreamWrapper.sbOutput.ToString(); //nothing, I don't see any
MemoryStream Flushing in IPEStreamWrapper Stream class

Thanks, Joe

On 4/17/08, Dino Viehland <dinov at exchange.microsoft.com> wrote:
> You want
> ScriptRuntime.IO.SetOutput/ScriptRuntime.IO.SetError which
> will let you set the I/O used for all the ScriptEngine's running in the
> given ScriptRuntime.  You also now need to provide either a Stream and an
> Encoding or a Stream and a TextWriter.  The reason for that is to support
> both text and binary output for scenarios such as PHP wanting to print a
> JPG.
> From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com
> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of
> David Seruyange
> Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:59 AM
> To: IronPython IronPython
> Subject: [IronPython] Redirecting input/output in IronPython 2.x
> Hey everyone,
> looking at a lot of the samples online I see the following:
>       pythonEngine.SetStandardError(s);
> where s is some stream. The Python Engine doesn't seem to support that
> method when I make a reference to IronPython 2.0. Am I missing something or
> are the online resources now obsolete?
> Thanks much -
> David
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Later, JoeSox
"To perceive is to suffer."
- Aristotle

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