[IronPython] 2.6.1 implements ssl module, but it crash...

qiuyingbo at sohu.com qiuyingbo at sohu.com
Wed Apr 14 05:48:07 CEST 2010

I traced the bug and found it occurred when our imap server close connection after imap authentication.It seems that SSLSocket.read() cannot raise exception in this situation. It return 0.Then IMAP4_SSL.readline() go into infiniteloop:         def readline(self):            """Read line from remote."""            line = []            while 1:                char = self.sslobj.read(1)                line.append(char)                if char == "\n": return ''.join(line)I would modify imaplib.py to resolve the problem. But I think it's a bug of SSLSocket.read(), right?Any idea what the crash is?  Is it popping up the normal windows crash UI (if on Windows) or is it printing an exception andexiting?  If it is crashing w/ the windows error reporting dialogcan you run it under a debugger?I tried this against gmail and it worked fine for me.
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