[IronPython] sqlalchemy + sqlite on ironpython

Harry Percival harry.percival at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 18:39:47 CEST 2010

Hey all,

trying to get SQLAlchemy + SQLite working on IronPython.  Any tips?

I think SQLAlchemy is installing OK, but slqite seems to be the real
stumbling block. Here's what I've tried so far:

1/ use cpython sqlite via Ironclad: doesn't work (
http://code.google.com/p/ironclad/issues/detail?id=19 )
2/ fepy version of sqlite: unable to import dbapi2 from sqlite
3/ using dist-tools to install pysqlite2 on ipy - falls over with
'need visual studio 6.0 compiler' error
4/ manually copying 'stuff' from c:\Python26\Lib to IronPython lib
folder - not working (as you can tell from the use of the word
'stuff', i clearly don't really know what i'm doing here)

suggestions gratefully appreciated!


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